Military Sexual Trauma Counseling
What is military sexual trauma counseling?
Military sexual trauma counseling may include individual or group counseling, marital and family counseling, referral for benefits assistance, liaison with community agencies or substance abuse information and referral to help you deal with the emotions of military sexual trauma and regain confidence in your everyday life.
Am I eligible for military sexual trauma counseling at Vet Centers?
Any Veteran, or service member to include members of the National Guard and Reserve forces, who was sexually traumatized while serving in the military is eligible to receive counseling regardless of era of service.
Where are services available?
MST counseling, assessment, and referral are available at all Vet Center locations. In addition, MST-related medical and mental health services are available at your local VA Medical Center and can be accessed by contacting the Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator or your existing VA healthcare provider.